Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fundementals of APPS.

Following are the fundementals of APPS:

1.)Concurrent Program
2.)Concurrent Manager
3.)Value Set
4.)Look Up

Concurrent Program :
By using the Concurrent program, you can schedule your program to run. For example, your organization is entering the new data for every 24 hours and since this data is to be converted to Oracle ERP base tables, You can schedule the concuurent program to run for every 24 Hours.

Before creating the concurrent program you need to create EXECUTABLE for it.
what is Executable?
Executable is the means by which you specify the name of your code and the extension to it.
For example : You want to run the shell script which loads the legacy data into custom Staging table with the help of CTL file. Then you need to mention the following in the EXECUTABLE section.

Executable: XXX_DEMO_HELLOWORLD /* Name of the Executable */
Short Name: XXXDH
Application: XXGeneral Ledger /* Name of your Application */
Execution Method : Shell
Execution File Name :

In the above discussion, Execution Method is the means of loading the data. Shell is the means for executing the shell script. If you want execute a pl/sql procedure, than the Execution Method will be 'PL/SQL Stored Procedure' etc....

Now while creating the concurrent program, you need to mention the name of your concurrent program and the short name for it, Application and in the Executable section of concurrent program mention the name of Executable which you have created i--e, XXX_DEMO_HELLOWORLD . After entering this name you can see that Executable Method will be displayed automatically as 'Shell'

Concurrent Manager:
Well, the Concurrent Manager's job is nothing but monitoring the concurrent programs. It's like a manager which manages the parallel execution of concurrent programs.
Say for example in your project there are 10 resources who are working on 10 Application Modules like INV,QA,PA etc...Each and every resource have to run their own concurrent programs. Now what happens if different resources are submitting their programs at once......they can't keep on waiting till other 9 resource programs gets completed. So the concurrent manager manages this issue and sees that all 10 concurrent programs runs parallely . This Background Process, Concurrent Manager will be running ideally 24x7.

Value Set:
Oracle Apps uses value set to validate that correct data is being entered in the fields in screen. While defining the parameters in the concurrent program you will give the value set for those parameters.

Now what's the hell with this parameters in the concurrent program?

Parameters will be defined in the concurrent proograms to simplify the process of execution of your code.
you can't hardcode some things in your custom PL/SQL program. so what you do is ,define that Hard coding part in concurrent program as 'Parameter'.

In simple of words, Value Set means group or set of values.


Lookup is nothing but set of codes and their meanings. The simplest example is take Railway Compartment berths.

LookUP Code Meaning
LB Lower Berth
MB Middle Berth
UB Upper Berth.

Let us consider that you have a table RAILWAY with columns as NAME, T_NAME, T_NUMBER,BERTH.
BERTH column will hold values of LB,MB,UB respectively.
Now dont get amused that LOOKUP's usage is limited to this only. Please Consider a scenario below.
Say suppose that you have 1 Lakh records. Now you want to change name of Lower Berth to Lowest Berth. You can't keep on update these 1Lakh records. so only thing you will be doing is just renaming it in the LOOKUP. previously for LB Lookup it's meaning is Lower Berth. Now just rename the meaning to Lowest Berth and continue to use the same LookUP code. Here BERTH is the Lookup Type and LB,MB,UB are Lookup Codes.


Harinitha said...

Good Start for the Freshers!!

Anonymous said...

Post more blogs if u have time..they were very useful..thanks

GJ said...

Good explaination about the lookup topic.